Friday, October 10, 2008


I just finished reading an awesome book, "Rescued", by John Bevere & Mark Andrew Olsen. The book is fiction, and I have looked at it before, but wasn't sure it was something I would enjoy reading, plus it originally came out in hardcover, which is always more expensive. I was at one of the Christian Bookstores in Boardman today, and they had a special on several fiction books: They were priced at $9.97, and if you bought 2, you got 2 free, which comes out to $5 a book. The manager, my sister's former pastor, really talked the book up, so I bought it. When I got home, I started reading it, and aside from eating supper, finished it in one sitting.
When I finished it, I just thought "wow!" This book makes you want to hit your knees and make sure if you died right now, you would be ready. Much has been said about the book "The Shack" being a "life-changing" book, which I disagree with, but this book, "Rescued", really does have the potential to be just that. Life-changing, and even eternity-changing.
This book is based on a non-fiction book by John Bevere, "Driven By Eternity". He wrote the fiction book hoping more people might read it and get the message that he wanted to get across.
I don't want to give too much of the book away, but the main plot of the book involves people being trapped in a submarine under the water. The story line is exciting and holds your attention, but then it gets to the "good" part that shakes you up and makes you think.
If you are feeling so-so about your salvation experience, if you are drifting, or even if all is well with you and God, you need to read this book. If you read my blog and are someone who regularly sees me, I am willing to pass it around. It is that good.
In closing, I don't intend to put this book above the Bible, but even Jesus used a good story to make a point and get people to think, and that is just what this book does. Makes you think, and take a good look at yourself. Get it, and read it. And pass it on.

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