Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Under Fire, Defend and Protect #3 by Lynn H Blackburn

Book description:

They'll protect the president at any cost--but who will protect their hearts?

USSS Special Agent Zane Thacker has landed his dream assignment protecting the president of the United States. When the president plans a fundraiser at the exclusive estate of a political supporter in Raleigh, Zane is thrilled to be working again with Special Agent Tessa Reed, his best friend--and the woman he desperately wishes could be more.

Though Tessa almost lost everything, she battled her demons and came out on the other side healthy and healed. But when her role as the liaison between the Raleigh office and the president's protective detail wrenches her past back into the present, her greatest failure threatens to come to light.

Zane refuses to let Tessa go through this alone. But can he stand by the woman he loves and protect the president from a mounting threat at the same time?

My review:
Lynn Blackburn may be the favorite author of mine with the least amount of books published. This is her second series, and I think 8th full length novel. It didn't take long for her to become one of my favorites.

 The Defend and Protect Series is totally different than her first series, Dive Team Investigation Series, but just as good and with just as likable characters. Blackburn excels at interplay between her characters, which makes her books all the more enjoyable and entertaining.

 But this is a review of the third and final book in this series: Under Fire, Zane and Tessa's story. Blackburn has been setting their story up throughout the other two books. It was obvious there was a history there, but not even their friends and coworkers knew.

 In this book, it becomes known.

 I mentioned how good this author is at the interplay between characters. What goes on between Zane and Tessa is beyond entertaining. It is funny, definitely entertaining, and honest and deep at times. We find out why Zane has a key to Tessa's house, and also find out her deep dark secrets, and why Zane struggled with the idea of a relationship with her.

  And then there is the suspense. This series has been about the Secret Service, and that has been a bit different from other suspense novels, but definitely interesting and enjoyable. A lot happens in this book as the team tries to protect the president of the U.S. and also try to protect Tessa from whoever is trying to take her out.

 The author deserves a nod at the compassionate way she addressed addiction. No excuses are made, but she shows there is hope for addicts, and a way out.

 My only criticism is the epilogue. I love epilogues. And keep in mind, I read an advanced reader copy. I read it, and was left wondering what was going on. But maybe that is just me. :)

 But still, Under Fire was a wild ride of suspense that was a terrific ending to this awesome series. It shows Blackburn has rightly claimed a spot among the best writers of quality Christian Suspense.  Looking forward to what the author has coming next.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Lynn H. Blackburn is the award-winning author of Unknown Threat and Malicious Intent, as well as the Dive Team Investigations series. She believes in the power of stories, especially those that remind us that true love exists, a gift from the Truest Love. Blackburn is passionate about CrossFit, coffee, and chocolate (don't make her choose) and experimenting with recipes that feed both body and soul. She lives in Simpsonville, South Carolina, with her true love, Brian, and their three children. Learn more at www.lynnhblackburn.com.

Check out the other two books in the series:

                                                                Book #1

Book #2

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