Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Forsaken by Gina Detwiler

Book description:

He was forsaken but not forgotten.

Nine months have passed since Grace Fortune saw the boy she loves, Jared Lorn, die before her eyes. But Grace’s suspicions have her wondering if Jared really dead. Along with her friends, she sets out to find answers, and the investigation leads to an unexpected place: Silo City, an abandoned silo complex that houses as many dark secrets as it does forsaken people.

Very much alive, Jared’s on a mission to save the girl he loves by collaborating with the enemy—a young, brash rock star named Lester Crow who fronts the punk metal band Blood Moon. Jared’s “deal with the devil” will take him on a cross-country journey into the heartland of darkness. The music of Blood Moon is a weapon against God, and Jared must wield this weapon while trying desperately to preserve his mind and soul from its power.

Jared and Grace are desperate to be reunited, but first, they must defeat the demonic forces arrayed against them. And pray that Jared, a Nephilim forsaken in God’s eyes, has a chance at a future. 

My review:

   I really liked the first book in this series, but this one was even better. At the end of book one, Jared, a main character, was killed off....and then it was revealed that he was not dead. Book two begins with Grace still believing he is dead.

 Detwiler has done a great job on creating some great likable characters, and character development. In my opinion, none are as likable as Jared. Half angel, half human, doomed from his birth, yet determined to do right and fight evil with all he has in him. In both books the author switches back and forth between first and third person point of view, but I Jared was only third person in the first book. In book two, he has a lot of first person point of view, which is cool as you get to see what he is thinking and going through better.

 I'll do my best to avoid giving away any spoilers, but I will say I kept wishing the author would move something along faster, but then it did make a climatic moment when it finally happened.....so I guess she knew what she was doing. :)

 This book gives an interesting look at the possible link between some kinds of music and demon possession and how the devil can use that music. I am no fan of rock music, and believe it is not for Christians, but I don't think the author is trying to say all rock music is connected to the devil and demon possession. And what happens in the book and the effects of certain kinds of music on people may not happen exactly the way it is portrayed, but it is food for thought.

 Forsaken was even more suspenseful than Forlorn, and it had its share of surprises and kept me guessing as to what would happen next. I don't know where the author is headed with Jared, who wonders if redemption for someone like him is possible and if God can love him, but I guess that will be addressed more in the next two books in the series which I am looking forward to reading when they are released.

 These are books for teen readers, so I was bothered more than usual by a few words I don't like to see in Christian books: pissed, ass, and I think damn. But overall this book and the one before are very awesome reads, and as I said in the previous book review, similar to Frank Peretti's earlier books with his battle between angels and demons.

 I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

Gina Detwiler was planning to be a teacher but switched to writing so she wouldn't have to get up so early in the morning. She is the co-author with bestselling author and speaker Priscilla Shirer of The Prince Warrior series for middle grade readers. She has also written the novels Hammer of God and Avalon under the name Gina Miani.

 Check out her website: Ginadetwiler.com

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