Sunday, January 14, 2018

#GOSPEL: Life, Hope, and Truth for Generation Now, by Daniel Rice

Book description:

Five to ten seconds.
After that, the filter kicks in.

In our day and age, five to ten seconds is usually all the time we’re given to persuade someone that what we have to say is worthy of his or her time. You and I live in a world suffering from a relentless bombardment of information. Television, social media, advertising, acquaintances, friends, and family all vie for time and an attentive ear. If we don’t adapt and learn to filter out what we believe does not apply to us, we quickly become overwhelmed. In this new world of burst communication, our presentation of this Gospel needs to be adapted as well, and while it’s critically important that the content remain unchanged, the style and vehicle in which it is delivered must fit the culture it reaches. Through current cultural references and true stories, Daniel Rice, founder of #Gospel, will help you come to see the gospel for what it really is and how it can radically alter your everyday life. Rice invites you into the conversation as he breaks down Paul’s explanation of the gospel in Romans in a way that is accessible and engaging.  Hash-tagging (#) a term invites others to join an open conversation and adds the author’s thoughts to our modern-day global exchange of ideas. This is the heart of #Gospel.

My review:

  I don't read enough non-fiction, so I decided to review this one. It sounded interesting, and different..... and it was both of those.

 We live in different times. Everything is fast paced, and though God and the Gospel never changes, our methods of presenting it may need to adapt to the changing times. This book is not an attempt to water down or change the Gospel in any way, but it is a book to help break down our ways of presenting it in a more engaging way to catch the interest and attention of this fast paced drive through world we live in.

 The author is new to me, but I liked both his writing style and what he has to say in the book. He has a lot of good ideas, and even opened my eyes to some new things. I recommend.

About the author:

Daniel Rice is the founder of #Gospel, an organization created to bring the gospel to the current generation in a way that syncs with their culture and uniqueness. Before #Gospel, Daniel spent 10 years on staff with Calvary Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, working with small groups, young adults, and students. He and his wife Melissa have 5 children.

#Gospel is available from Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour Books Publishing.

Thanks to Barbour for the review copy.

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