Monday, January 22, 2018

Be the Hands and Feet: Living Out God's Love for All His Children by Nick Vujicic

Book description:

Nothing in life is as exciting and satisfying as introducing Jesus to people who have never met him.

New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned motivational speaker Nick Vujicic is known worldwide as the man without arms and legs who personifies a "can do" spirit. Now in greater detail, he explains how the example of Jesus Christ motivates him to travel and speak broadly because the "good news" of the Gospel is just too good to keep quiet! Although the world has so many problems, no challenge is too great for the God who promises to move mountains. Using compelling stories from his own experience, Nick shares the heart of his message, the motivation behind all he does, and something that he believes the world needs now more than ever before: A faith in Jesus Christ that moves people to act and make the world a better place.

My review:

   I have read all of Nick's books he has written, and found the books and him to be very inspiring and encouraging. This book is different from his others in that it encourages others to do what he does - reach people for God.

   He spends a lot of time talking about how he got where he is now, and how God worked it out for him to travel all over the world and speak. He relates some of the things that has happened, and about some of the people he met.

  A lot of the book also covers people who are out there accomplishing great things for God, and how they got to where they are. Some of these people are ones he has mentored and given advice to on how to proceed with their ministry efforts.

 The book is a very inspiring read, but also a convicting one. If we are honest, most of us don't really accomplish much for God.....yet there are many stories in this book of people that got a vision, started small, and ended up going big for God.

 Nick also gives advice and input to the readers who feel they should be doing more for God. This was an interesting read, and one I would recommend.

 I was given a copy of this book for my part in the book launch team.

About the author:

Nick Vujicic is an international and New York Times bestselling author, evangelist, motivational speaker, and the director of Life Without Limbs, an organization that helps share the message of the hope in Christ to the entire globe. Nick is an inspiration worldwide to crowds and the media for his positive attitude toward overcoming obstacles and achieving dreams. A longtime resident of Australia, he now lives in Southern California with his wife, Kanae, two sons, and recently born twin daughters, January 2018.

Be The Hands and Feet is available from Waterbrook Publishing.

Thanks to Waterbrook/Multnomah for the review copy.

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