Sunday, November 12, 2017

Murder In Disguise, A Preston Barclay Mystery # by Donn Taylor

Book description:

Official verdict:  Suicide.

But why would that vigorous department chairman commit suicide? And did he kill himself to avoid disgrace from the impending exposure of his activities on the dark side became known? When visiting professor Preston Barclay questions his long-time friend's suicide, he receives threats. Press has enough problems already in proving his competence to students and faculty in the newly-hostile environment of the state university. For the new department chairman and campus radicals do all they can to undermine him. And the sexy female siren assigned as his student assistant creates problems there and with Press's courtship of his colleague Mara Thorn.

Press's questions don't find adequate answers, rumors accuse his friend of involvement in disgraceful activities, and Mara's researches reveal a wide range of criminal activity stretching from the community onto the campus itself. The more things don't add up, the more dangerous the threats become, and the more determined Press becomes to clear his friend's name and find the truth about the alleged suicide.

But can Press and Mara's stumbling efforts to find the truth prevail against the entrenched forces of the police, the campus radicals, and an unseen criminal organization that increasingly puts their lives in danger. . . ?

My review:

 I enjoyed the first two books in this series, so I was up for reviewing this third book in the Preston Barclay Mystery Series.

 The setting for this book is the same as the other two: the college where Preston teaches. This mystery revolves around his friend's suicide, which  the friend's wife refuses to believe was a suicide.

 I enjoyed the book, and thought it was the best of the series so far. I had forgotten though how annoying the main character's constant hearing music in his head was that he hears on different occasions and different people. I find it a distraction as I read the books.

 Murder In Disguise had some very interesting and odd characters, and bad and good. The book not only has suspense and drama, but also a lot of humor. Taylor has a unique way of describing his characters, especially the more colorful ones.

 The end result of the mystery wasn't a surprise, as the description of the book lends to the idea of how it ends. However, there is a lot of suspense. mystery, and surprises along the way as Preston reluctantly investigates his friend's death.

About the author:

Donn Taylor led an Infantry rifle platoon in the Korean War, served with Army aviation in Vietnam, and worked with air reconnaissance in Europe and Asia. Afterwards, he earned a PhD in Renaissance literature and taught literature at two liberal arts colleges. His publications include three suspense novels, one historical novel, and a book of poetry. He lives near Houston, TX, where he writes fiction, poetry, and essays on current topics.

Thanks to Litfuse for the review copy.

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