Sunday, August 27, 2017

Patterns Evidence: Exodus with a giveaway

The Bible’s Exodus account is under attack from many of the world’s leading experts who say there is no evidence for this foundational story – they claim it’s just a myth. Faced with the skepticism, filmmaker Timothy Mahoney experienced a crisis of faith. Mahoney had been investigating the Bible’s Exodus account, and this controversy forced him to refocus on one question – is there any evidence that this foundational story really happened?

The result of the 12-year investigation was the feature-length documentary film, Patterns of Evidence: the Exodus. It reveals a powerful and faith-affirming pattern of evidence matching the major events of the Bible’s Exodus and Conquest accounts in the archaeology of Egypt and Israel. This evidence has been largely unrecognized because it exists in an earlier period of history than where most scholars are looking. Yet the historical information in the Bible itself points to the Exodus happening in a historical period that is centuries earlier than the standard view today.

Mahoney combines a vivid retelling of the biblical story with interviews of top authorities from both sides of the debate in an investigation spanning the ancient and modern worlds. His bold new approach identifies six primary steps of the Exodus account before looking for evidence matching these steps wherever it exists in Egypt‘s history. The results are startling and could fundamentally transform the way the world views history and the Bible.

My review:

  I don't watch many documentaries, but decided to review this one since it sounded interesting. The producers and narrator did a great job on it. There are a lot of interviews with experts, some of whom say there is no evidence of the Exodus and some who do. The producers are honest about their doubt throughout the DVD, of course coming to the conclusion that there is indeed evidence of  The Exodus.

 There are a lot of video shots of the Holy Land, especially in the area of the Exodus. This documentary is well done, interesting, and they do a great job of showing there is evidence of the Exodus.

 A bonus feature DVD is also included that has features such as meeting the cast, behind the music, and more.

About the author/filmmaker/producer :

Tim Mahoney founded Mahoney Media Group, Inc. (MMG) in 1989. MMG focused its business on television and video production for regional and national companies. In 2014 Tim founded Thinking Man Films & Media as an international documentary & publishing company with a focus on education and the Bible. Tim produced numerous productions for Christian organizations including the Billy Graham Association, World Wide Pictures, and Compassion International. Tim also served as the President of the board for the International Christian Visual Media Association (ICVM). Tim’s first full feature documentary film, “PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE EXODUS”, released in January 2015. The film took 12 years to develop and takes a scientific approach to investigate the events of the biblical Exodus. The overall vision for his film company is to explore “patterns of evidence” that support the biblical narrative and engages the world in a conversation. The film takes a balanced approach and leaves the audience to decide for themselves if the Bible is real history or myth.

About the film

Won 13 awards on the film festival circuit in 2014, including a Gold Remi Award winner for Best Director at the Worldfest Houston Intl. Film Festival, the Gold Crown Award for Best Picture and Best Documentary at ICVM 2014, and Official Selection at the Soho International Film Festival in New York.

Supplemental resources associated with the film include a nearly 400-page hardcover book, small group Bible study, Movie Event kit, youth version (called Young Explorers), homeschool curriculum and others.

It includes powerful interviews with some of the top experts in the fields of archaeology and Egyptology as well as people of influence in the Middle East.

The film has an objective, fair-minded and balanced approach. It allows viewpoints from all sides to be heard in a respectful way while asking honest questions of the Bible and scholars’ views. It does not preach and lets the evidence speak for itself. This allows the film to be very shareable with those of different viewpoints.

Social Corner

*Buy Link is...
*Main website for people to watch movie trailers and see more info is
**If you want to offer a discount code for your readers to put in when purchasing the DVD at our store, they can use MK1 for $3 off the DVD price which retails for $19.95.

Thanks to FlyBy Promotions for the review copy.


Comment on this post to be entered to win a copy. I will pick one winner using 10 days from today on September 6.


  1. I would like to be entered to win. This looks like an interesting movie. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  2. Thanks for hosting the "Patterns of Evidence: Exodus" DVD Giveaway! This documentary looks very interesting, and informative! Please enter me into your giveaway! Thanks for the chance!


  3. Thank you for your great review of our film. We appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it- along with some of your readers too hopefully!
    We wanted to let you know about our ‘Thinker Updates’ since you are a definite thinker. They include fascinating research & finds with new evidence related to the Bible, plus more . We typically send them out once a week and then archive the blogs for reference & pleasure reading. You can sign up here to become a ‘Thinker’
