Friday, August 18, 2017

Imagine....The Great Flood by Matt Koceich

Book description:

The ocean swirled around the boy and pulled him down with unrelenting power. Heavy water churned and tugged at his flailing body like unseen hands yanking him into the watery depths. The fight was finally over. Even though he’d tried to stand up to the enemy, the waves were about to swallow him whole.

The last thing ten-year-old Corey remembers (before the world as he knew it disappeared) was the searing pain in his head after falling while chasing his dog Molly into the woods. What happens next can't be explained as Corey wakes up and finds himself face-to-face with not one but two lions! 

Join Corey and experience the excitement. . .the wonder. . . the adventure. . .as the epic story of Noah’s ark comes to life.

My review:

   I review all kinds of Christian books, and they are not always geared for a guy my age... as is the case with this one. Imagine.....The Great Flood is the first in a series of books for 8-12 year olds.

  In the book, 10-year-old Corey goes back in time to when the Great Flood is about to happen. The author had a great idea with this series, and I was impressed with this first book. Some of what the author wrote about, such as the Nephtilum, are his idea of what things were like, but they don't detract from the story in any way. Even as an adult, I thought it was cool to take a look at the ark and flood through the eyes of a boy from modern times. I am sure kids of the intended age group will enjoy it.

 The book is interesting, and very well written. It did leave me wondering as to how Corey went back in time.... was it a dream, or did it really happen? Maybe the author deliberately didn't say so the reader would have to make their own decision on what happened. Regardless, this is a great book for kids to read.

 I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

Matt Koceich is a husband, father, and public school teacher. Matt and his family live in Texas.

Imagine....The Great Flood is available from Barbour Publishing.

Thanks to Barbour for the review copy.

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