Saturday, June 24, 2017

Israel - God's Heart by Ron Gafni and Kathleen Barrett

Book description:

A captivating pictorial of the Holy Land and a scriptural journey through God's redemptive story.

Many of us only dream of traveling to the Holy Land. Very few, like Israel's top aerial photographer, Ron Gofni, soar above the craggy mountains ranges of Masada, the salty Dead Sea, and the iconic locations where Jesus walked. Israel - God's Heart - Landscapes and Legacy beautifully captures the ancient landscapes of this great nation, as well as presents the legacy of God's redemption plan for the world.

As you slowly turn the pages, you will find unexpected vantage points, such as the Tower of David surrounded by city lights and fast-paced cars and a hot air balloon floating over a field of cotton. From a bird's eye view, you will also experience a vibrant, bustling, modern Israel. Biblical references and thoughtful narrative by author Kathleen Barrett intertwines with awe-inspiring photography to bring you to the Holy Land time and time again.

My review:

  I have never visited Israel, though I would love to do some day. I have only seen it through photography, and this book has some of the best photography of Israel I have seen, As the front of the book indicates, there is a lot of aerial photography in the book, though not all of the photos were taken from the air. There are a lot that were not. There are photos of familiar places such as Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, along with several others I am not familiar with, photos of animals, etc. There are photos of historical buildings and places, along with modern places and buildings.

  Along with the photos are explanations of what the photos are of, sometimes with a more detailed description.

 I enjoyed looking through this book, reading the photo comments, and getting a view of Israel from above. The authors did a great job of putting this book together, and it would make a great coffee table book.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the authors:

Israel's top aerial photographer, Ron Gafni, brings his vast experience and personal perspective
through the lens of a proud Israeli citizen. His work has been featured in National Geographic, and his company,, provides books from its "Israel From Above" collection to the Israeli Government, Army, and Air Force, as well as to large corporations in Israel.

Co-author Kathleen Barrett, a Florida resident and former pre-school teacher, shares her thoughtful point of view in Israel - God's Heart from a personal, 40-year walk of Christian faith and study. She has also authored a children's devotional and numerous articles on a variety of topics from missions outreach to political events. Her more personal and reflective work has been featured in a number of collections.

To sample the book digitally, click here.

Thanks to Litfuse Publicity for the review copy.

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