Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Good Book by Deron Spoo

Book description:

The Good Book Church Campaign is an easy-to-use, 8-week program that engages churches and age-appropriate small groups in the Bible's 40 biggest ideas and teaches how God's truths can transform their lives.

The Good Book is more than just a book or curriculum. It is a movement focusing on bringing the major themes of the Bible to today's church in an approachable and accessible way. So whether you're a new believer who hasn't read any of the Bible, or an experienced Christian who has read through the Bible many times, The Good Book will help you understand what the Bible teaches and how it truly is one cohesive story.

The Good Book offers a user-friendly guide to 40 of the Bible's biggest ideas. By encouraging readers to spend five days a week reading the book and their Bible, Deron Spoo helps them understand the context and content of the Bible in a way that can open the whole Bible to them.

Designed as a 40-day journey through 40 key chapters of the Bible, The Good Book will appeal to those who already love and read the Bible regularly as well as to those who are just beginning their Christian journey.

My review:

  I really liked the idea of this book when I read about it, and the foreword by one of my favorite authors sealed my deciding to review the book.

 What the author is doing with this book, is taking the 40 key passages of Scripture and putting them in one book, along with some commentary after each section. One reason behind the book is for new Christians to get a better grasp on these key passages from the Bible, instead of them getting lost in passages that they don't understand. I can attest it is also valuable for those of us who have been Christians for several years and have grown up in the church. I know I tend to read the same verses and passages over and over for my devotions, so it is nice to have this book that pulls out some of the passages I should be reading and focusing on.

 The book is well written and put together very well. It is obvious the author did a lot of study and research and didn't settle on these 40 passages quickly and without much thought. His commentary after each section is well said and valuable also. I would definitely recommend this book to any Christian, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

Deron Spoo is the pastor of First Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Throughout the past 16 years, Spoo has guided the church as it transitions from being simply a downtown church to a regional church committed to urban ministry. Church members describe him as "down to earth" and "authentic." His television devotionals, "First Things First," reach 100,000 people each week. Spoo is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Paula, have three children.

 The Good Book is available from David C Cook Publishing.

Thanks to Litfuse Publicity for the review copy.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this book. It is definitely different and I loved the concept of it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :-)
