Monday, January 2, 2017

Authentic Living by Richard Exley

Book description:

To live an authentic, fulfilled life we need to both understand and practice the core beliefs of the Christian faith. Being intentional about pursuing Christ is often challenging in our confusing, messy world, but like the biblical character Daniel who did not compromise his values, we must take small, deliberate steps to grow in spiritual integrity. The short, inspirational devotions in Authentic Living illustrate how we can be more deliberate in our faith each and every day through small actions like asking forgiveness, offering guidance, praying specifically, and more. With these simple yet profound readings, we can realize a more fulfilling life and faith one thought, one action, one day at a time.

My review:

  Someone has said you can be authentic without being holy, and one can put too much emphasis on the first and not enough on the other...... however, being a person who has had trouble being authentic for most of my life, I like the emphasis on authentic living this devotional has.

 Each day has a short devotional centered around Scripture, a passage of Scripture that was mentioned in the devotional, and a short prayer. These are not long or deep devotions, but they are well done, and make you think. The author sticks with the theme of the book by relating several personal stories and reflections.

 As with any time I review a devotional, I did not read the whole way through it, but started reading on a specific date corresponding to the date I started reading it, and also leaf through and read some random devotions. I like what I read, and feel this is a good devotional to use for a year, and a great addition to anyone's collection of devotional books.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

RICHARD EXLEY is a man with a rich diversity of experiences. He has been a pastor, conference and retreat speaker, as well as a radio broadcaster. In addition he has written more than 30 books including The Rhythm of Life, Man of Valor, When You Lose Someone You Love, and The Alabaster Cross. The Making of a Man was one of five finalists for the Gold Medallion Devotional Book of the Year. The Methodist Episcopal Church USA and the National Clergy Council Board of Scholars awarded him the Doctorate of Divinity honoris causa for his life’s work in ministry and writing.

As a boy, Richard lived part-time with his widowed grandmother. Her home had electricity but she didn’t trust it, so she only used it to power her refrigerator. When darkness fell she lit the kerosene lamps, casting the tiny living room with its braided rag rugs and coal oil stove in its ambient light. During those long winter evenings she spun out the story of her life. It was there Richard learned the art of storytelling, a craft that enables him to touch the heart through both his writing and speaking.
He loves spending time with his wife, Brenda Starr, in their secluded cabin overlooking picturesque Beaver Lake. He enjoys quiet talks with old friends, kerosene lamps, good books, a warm fire when it’s cold, and a good cup of coffee anytime. He’s an avid Denver Broncos fan, an aspiring bass fisherman, and an amateur photographer. And he hopes to become one of your favorite authors.

Authentic Living is available from Worthy Publishing.

Thanks to Worthy for the review copy.

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