Friday, April 22, 2016

A Fool And His Monet by Sandra Orchard

Sketchy politics and a palette of lies can't stop Serena Jones from exposing the mastermind behind the daring theft of a priceless work of art

Serena Jones has a passion for recovering lost and stolen art--one that's surpassed only by her zeal to uncover the truth about who murdered her grandfather. She's joined the FBI Art Crime Team with the secret hope that one of her cases will lead to his killer. Now, despite her mother's pleas to do something safer--like get married--Serena's determined to catch thieves and black market traders.

When a local museum discovers an irreplaceable Monet missing, Serena leaps into action--and a whole heap of trouble.

My review:
  I read and reviewed three previous books by Sandra Orchard in the Port Astor series and really enjoyed the whole series. This book is number one in a new series that is very different from her other series. And in this case, different is good.

 As the title with its play on words may suggest, this book has humor. It IS a suspense/mystery novel, but the style is totally different from the other series. It is light-hearted yet suspenseful, and had me laughing out loud at different points in the story.

 The story is told in the first person point of view, which is also a switch from the other series and is not a favorite style of mine; but maybe I am getting used to it since it didn't bother me in this story. The story moves along pretty fast and has a lot of action and drama in it, in addition to the humor and romance.

 I found myself liking the characters a lot:

Serena: FBI Art Crime member
Tanner: Her handsome co-worker, though 10 years her senior
Nate: Her eligible apartment manager
Aunt Martha: Serena's aunt, senior citizen, and wanna be detective

 The book was an awesome - and can a guy say - delightful read. Even the romantic angle pulled me in enough that I went to the author's website and voted for which of the two guys Serena should date/marry.

  I highly recommend this book. People who don't normally like suspense and mystery novels may even enjoy this one.

 I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

Sandra Orchard is the award-winning author of many inspirational romantic suspense and mysteries, including Deadly Devotion, Blind Trust, and Desperate Measures. Her writing has garnered several Canadian Christian Writing Awards, a Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award, a National Readers' Choice Award, a HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, and a Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. In addition to her busy writing schedule, Sandra enjoys speaking at events and teaching writing workshops. She lives in Ontario, Canada. Learn more about Sandra's books and check out the special bonus features, such as deleted scenes and location pics, at

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