Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Two Roads Home by Deborah Raney - 5-book giveaway

What if it's too late for dreams to come true?
Minor-but-nagging setbacks continue to sour Grant and Audrey Whitman's initiation into the world of innkeeping, but larger challenges brew when an innocent flirtation leads to big trouble for the Whitmans' son-in-law, Jesse. Jesse Pennington's friendly, outgoing personality has always served him well, especially in a career that has earned him and his wife Corinne a very comfortable lifestyle. But Corinne and Jesse are both restless---and for similar reasons, if only they could share those with each other. Instead, too many business trips and trumped-up charges of harassment from a disgruntled coworker threaten their marriage and possibly put their three precious daughters at risk. With their life in disarray, God is tugging at their hearts to pursue other dreams. Can Corinne and Jesse pick up the pieces of what was once a wonderful life before it all crumbles beneath them?

My review:
   I rarely read a romance book, but this series intrigued me, and here I am reading and reviewing the second book in the series. This series is unique in one way that so far the main characters are all married couples who work through some problem in their marriage instead of the "boy meets girl and marries girl" story that is so common even on the Christian market.

  This book centers on another of the Whitman family and her husband. Even though I don't normally like romantic novels, I like Raney's style of writing. And so far, each book tends to give some marriage advice via a novel. Jesse, the main character in this story, gets himself into trouble by being too friendly and naive around women and ends up endangering his family.

  The book was a fast read for me. I liked the plot and characters, and totally love the setting of the book. I really liked Jesse and the fact that he was sacrificing his dreams to make his wife and family happy and give them nice things. One message of the book is that both spouses have to give in a marriage, and one spouse shouldn't have to continually sacrifice his or her dreams.

 I did read the book through in one setting. It is the kind of book that you don't want to put down, and I am looking forward to more in the series.
About the author: 

Deborah Raney's books have won numerous awards, including the RITA, National Readers Choice Award, HOLT Medallion, and the Carol Award, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. She and her husband, Ken, recently traded small-town life in Kansas---the setting of many of Deborah's novels---for life in the (relatively) big city of Wichita, where they enjoy gardening, antiquing, movies, and traveling to visit four children and a growing brood of grandchildren who all live much too far away.

Find Deborah onlinewebsiteFacebookTwitter  

Two Roads Home is available from Abington Press along with the book that precedes it in The Chicory Inn Series, Home to Chicory Lane. I would recommend reading the novels in order.

Thanks to Lutfuse for the review copy.

Two Roads Home Deborah Raney

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