Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Legacy by Dan Walsh and Gary Smalley

One young man is about to discover the true cost of independence
For years, Doug Anderson has been drifting slowly but steadily away from both his family and his faith. His parents have been trying to reach him before he falls too far. His friend Christina hopes what she is seeing online isn't true. But sometimes you have to hit bottom before you're ready to grow up. 

Just as things begin to settle down a bit, Doug's life takes a turn that requires every bit of faith and patience for both his family and Christina--whose growing feelings for Doug, a man who writes her off as not worth his time, keep her off balance. Will Doug's crisis finally clear his vision and help him focus on what he has right in front of him?

My review:
  Dan Walsh has become one of my favorite authors, and I would put him at the top of my non-suspense author list, although he did write one suspense novel and it was a great read. I always look forward to a new book coming out from him, and I have been waiting for this one for several months, the fourth and final book in The Restoration Series.

  Book one centered on the parents in the Anderson family, and each book following has centered around one of their three children. This final one is about the youngest of the three, Doug, who is away in college.

  Although this book was not suspense, it was a fast read for me. Part of that was because I had been looking forward to reading it so much. The other reason I got into it so much is because I really enjoy prodigal stories, and this is one. I don't believe the authors call it a modern retelling of the prodigal son story from the Bible, but it very well could be. Son of a fairly affluent couple goes off to college and leaves his faith behind, falling into immorality and the wrong crowd. I knew Doug was going to hit bottom, and it was a bit painful to experience through the pages of the book, yet it was encouraging. The book had the message that even though we wonder from God, we can come back. He still loves us and will forgive.

  This is probably my favorite book of the series. They all resonated with me, as these are not light and fluff fiction, but books that carry a great message and has some great advice all through the pages for married couples and parents...... but I really needed the message of this book. That the same God who loves us and saves us is waiting to welcome us back and forgive us if we stray. I cannot say enough good bout this book and the whole series. Dan outdid himself on these four books, and Gary Smalley's expertise on family relationships is also seen in the plots of the books.

  These do go in order, and it is advisable to read them in the order that they were written: The Dance, The Promise, The Desire, and The Legacy.

About the authors:

Dan Walsh is the bestselling author of several books, including The Dance and The Promisewith Gary Smalley, as well as The Unfinished GiftThe Discovery, and The Reunion. He has won three Carol Awards, and two of his novels were finalists for RT Book Reviews Inspirational Book of the Year for 2011 and 2012. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Dan served as a pastor for twenty-five years. He lives with his wife in the Daytona Beach area, where he's busy researching and writing his next novel. Visit for more.

Gary Smalley is one of the country's best known authors and speakers on family relationships. He is the bestselling and award-winning author or coauthor of 16 books, along with several popular films and videos. He has spent over 30 years learning, teaching, and counseling, speaking to over 2 million people in live conferences. Smalley has appeared on national television programs such as Oprah,Larry King LiveExtraThe Today Show, andThe Sally Jessy Raphael Show, as well as numerous national radio programs. Gary and his wife, Norma, have been married for 50 years and live in Branson, Missouri. They have three children and six grandchildren.

The Legacy and the other three books in The Restoration Series, are available from Revell, a division of the Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Revell for the review copy.

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