Monday, May 19, 2014

Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

Crashing the chatterbox = Overpowering lies of insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement with the promises of God.

“I used to think that someone who struggled with the kinds of weaknesses I deal with daily was useless to God. I felt so often like I was drowning in internal dialogue I couldn’t control. It had been the soundtrack of my life for as long as I could remember.

Yet everything changed when I began to realize God has given us the ability to choose the dialogue we believe and respond to. And once we learn how, we can switch from lies to truth as deliberately as we can choose the Beatles over Miley Cyrus on satellite radio.

This is the key to pressing ahead and doing God’s will anyway, even as you are bombarded with thoughts, feelings, and even facts about why you can’t do it.

I’m now awakening to the reality that we can access the power of God’s promises to constantly crash the system of our broken beliefs. I’m learning how to overpower the shouts of the Enemy by bending my ear to the whisper of God’s supernatural truths about my identity in Him and His strength in me.”
-STEVEN FURTICK, from Crash the Chatterbox

My review:
   I have heard a lot of good about this book, so when I saw it listed as available for review, I grabbed it. It sounds like a self-help book, and it could be taken that way, but it really isn't.

  The premise of the book is that we have all of this negative stuff in our heads. Fears, worries, putdowns, etc. It drowns out God's voice and holds us back from being what we should be, and from doing what God wants us to do.

  I found myself relating a lot to this book as I read it. For years, I have listened to the negative stuff the devil throws my way, until God was drowned out. This book really nails it in showing how destructive it is to not get a handle on it all, and as someone who deals with depression, I can see how it slowly evolved from my worries and fears.

  The book doesn't offer a quick and easy fix, but it does offer a totally Biblical solution on how to focus more on God, on what He is saying and what He wants from us and for us. Even now, with progress I have made, I realized after reading the book that I really need to work more on listening to God's voice instead of worrying so much and listening to the negative stuff in my head. It is a tall order, but worth it.

About the author:

Steven Furtick is the founder and lead pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, named by Outreach magazine as one of the top 10 fastest growing churches in the nation. In four years, Elevation has grown to more than 6,000 people in regular attendance in three locations. Steven holds a degree in communication from North Greenville University, and a Master of Divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Holly, have two young sons—Elijah and Graham—and make their home in the Charlotte area. 

 Crash the Chatterbox is available from Multnomah Publishing.

Thanks to Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing for  the review copy. 

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