Friday, January 31, 2014

Called to Stay by Calb Breakey, with a giveaway

An Uncompromising Mission to Save Your Church

Will You Stay?

Caleb Breakey prays to God you do. 

In Called to Stay Breakey takes a refreshingly honest look at the church, the problem of Millennials leaving, and the stark reality of why the church desperately needs them. He holds nothing back as he unleashes an ambitious rallying cry to heal the church and inject his generation’s desire for truth, passion, and conviction into other believers.

Caleb knows that answering the challenge of his own generation leads to a transformed church.
And a changed church can change the world.

My review:
  Back when this book was in the works, the author ran a Kickstarter campaign to get the funds he needed to publish the book. I was out of work, but was intrigued, and gave the minimum amount, which assured me a copy of the book and DVD when they were published.

  After I received the book, I didn't read it for a while, as I had so many books in my review pile, but after hearing my best friend rave about it, I decided it was time to read it.

  The book is geared for a younger age group than I am part of, but after reading it, I would have to say it is for anyone. It is especially for people who are dissatisfied with their church and are eying the door, thinking about leaving and going elsewhere. Even if you're happy with your church, it would be a good book to read and get some ideas of what you can do to help your church be better and more than it is.

  The book is an enjoyable read. This is Caleb's first book, and he did an excellent job on it. It is easy to read, interesting, he makes some great points without belaboring them, and he writes with what comes across as humility. Some authors approach ideas like this with almost an arrogance, but he does not.

  In the book, Caleb talks about his own experiences of being unhappy with his church and as he prayed about leaving, he felt God wanted him to stay. So he started thinking and praying about what he could do to help the church instead of criticize. Not everything he says will work for everyone in every church, but there is some really good advice given and points made in the book for staying in a church.

  Each chapter is accompanied by some video you can watch online.

  This is a book I cannot say enough good about. I highly recommend it.

About the author:

Caleb Breakey is a former journalist and author of Called to Stay. Caleb is a frequent conference speaker with a sincere passion to lead, challenge, and inspire others in discussions about relationships, the church, and radically following Jesus. He lives in Washington State with his wife, Brittney. 
More about Caleb:

  I have two copies of Called to Stay, since the author mailed me an autographed copy also. Since I have two copies, I decided to give one away. This giveaway is for the copy that is not autographed.

 To enter to win, do one of the following, and comment on this blog post saying which you did:
1) "like" Caleb's Facebook page (link above)
2) Follow Caleb on Twitter (link above)
3) Watch the video below

I will pick a winner 10 days from now, on February 10, using


  1. I Liked Jim on facebook
    Sounds like a neat book
    God bless you
    Chris Granville

  2. I 'liked' his Facebook page! Thanks for the review and this opportunity! katie07edgar[at]gmail[dot]com
    Katie Edgar
