Thursday, August 2, 2012


Most of my family (myself, my parents, 3 nieces, 3 nephews, and one sister and brother-in-law)  took a 2 day trip to Lancaster County, PA to visit the Sight and Sound Theater to see their performance of Jonah.

They have also opened a theater in Branson, MO. We go to the one in Lancaster County. What it is, if you are not familiar with it, is put on productions of Bible stories on stage: Jonah, Daniel, Noah, In the Beginning, Abraham and Sarah, and a Christmas and Easter production. The shows are expensive, but these are not a high school play. The acting is top notch, the props are as professional as you can get, and the music is pefectly tailored to the story.

I have seen Daniel, Abraham and Sarah, Noah, and now Jonah, and have to say Jonah is the best yet. They added some things not in the Bible, but it only helps the story. They presented a powerful message of the Gospel that I had never seen in the story of Jonah.

This was the first time my nieces had been to a show there, and they were absolutely thrilled and kept saying it was better than going to the ocean (their yearly vacation).

Jonah had a lot of humor woven into the story, and I was amazed at how real they made it with the props and backgrounds. This show features the biggest single prop they have ever used in a show, the ship. It is 28 feet high and 50 feet long and moves by use of a GPS.

We packed a lot into two days and did some other things while out there, but we all agreed hands down that Jonah was the best thing we did. It was a totally awesome experience.

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