Thursday, June 21, 2012

Reckless Heart by Amy Clipston

Lydia Bontrager's youngest sister is frighteningly ill, and as a good Amish daughter, it falls to Lydia to care for her siblings and keep the household running, in addition to working as a teacher's assistant and helping part time at her grandmother's bakery. Succumbing to stress, Lydia gives in to one wild night and returns home drunk.

The secret of that mistake leaves Lydia feeling even more restless and confused, especially when Joshua, the only boy she's ever loved, becomes increasingly distant. When a non-Amish boy moves in nearby, Lydia finds someone who understands her, but the community is convinced Lydia is becoming too reckless. With the pressures at home and her sister's worsening condition, a splintering relationship with Joshua, and her own growing questions over what is right, Lydia could lose everything that she's ever held close.

My review:

I don't read many Amish fiction books, but was offered a couple of juvenile fiction books to review and this was one of them, and since I am always on the look out for good books for my nephews and nieces, I decided to review this one.

Reckless Heart deals with a couple of issues: leukemia, and a young Amish girl being torn between two worlds. I thought the author did a great job of portraying the struggle and the pressure one would feel in that situation.

There is a lot of discussion about Amish fiction and whether they portray the Amish in the right light, and maybe some do not, but I felt this one did. The plot and story line were done very well, and though written for young adult, adults who like Amish fiction will enjoy this book also.

About the author:

Amy Clipston has been writing for as long as she can remember. Her fiction writing "career" began in elementary school when she and a close friend wrote and shared silly stories. After living in New Jersey and Virginia, Amy now lives in North Carolina with her husband, Joe; two sons, Zac and Matt; mother, Lola; and three spoiled rotten cats, Molly, Ashlee, and Jet.

Reckless Heart is available from Zondervan Publishing.

Thanks to DJC Communications for the review copy.

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