Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strong to the Core by H. Norman Wright

Respected counselor and bestselling author H. Norman Wright releases a spiritually and personally fulfilling daily devotional for men. Known for his insight into the needs of people, Wright shapes 365 devotions to strengthen men at their core—their heart for God.

Short offerings, ideal for busy lives, include Scripture and relatable meditations that lead men to seek their identity and security in Christ as they learn to:

•rely on God’s guidance

•connect with other men of faith

•model God’s love and strength in practical ways

•trust the Bible as their source of wisdom

•give their needs, hurts, decisions, and future to God

Like a faithful mentor, Wright walks alongside men through every area of their lives, from relationships and family to vocation and contentment. This relevant devotional will be a gift of ongoing influence and inspiration for men of all stages of their journey.

My review:
I meant to get this up before the new year began, but got behind on my reviews. Its never too late to start reading a devotional though, so hopefully my review will cause someone to pick this one up.

I have read books by H. Norman Wright before, and have always been impressed. He is an excellent author no matter what he is writing about. I have his devotional he wrote for singles, Single Purpose, and thoroughly enjoyed it and was inspired by it. When I saw this new devotional for men, I knew it would be worth picking up, and I wasn't wrong. I haven't read the whole book yet, as I am using it for its intended purpose, but am really liking what I have read so far.

Often with books like these, they are geared too much for fathers/married men, which I am neither, but this one doesn't seem to have that many devotions geared for that audience. There are some, but the majority of the devotions seem to be geared for men in general.

It is a 366 day devotional (Includes one for February 29), and has one page per devotional. Each devotional starts out with a verse, and then there is a devotional written about the verse. The devotions cover lust, prayer, God's guidance, and many more.

An issue I have with some devotionals is they are shallow and basically a "feel-good" story. Not the case with this devotional. Though the devotionals are short, they pack a punch and have a lot of good food for thought.

I would highly recommend this devotional for any man.

About the author:

H. Norman Wright has helped thousands of couples bring new vibrancy to their marriages. Through counseling, seminars, and more than 90 books, including Before You Say “I Do,” After You Say “I Do,” and Quiet Times for Every Parent, he shares how to increase intimacy and enhance relationships. Norm and his wife, Tess, enjoy their children, grandchildren, various pets, and fishing.

His awards:
Recipient of the ECPA Gold Book Award for Before You Say "I Do"® in 1996 and Quiet Times for Couples in 2001

Winner of the ECPA Gold Medallion Book Award for Quiet Times for Parents in 1997

Recipient of the Harvest House Gold Award in 1999

Recipient of the Harvest House Platinum Award in 2007


Strong to the Core is avaiable from Harvest House Publishing.

Thanks to Harvest House for the review copy.

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