Thursday, February 9, 2012

Man Alive by Patrick Morley

“Over the last four decades, I’ve met one-on-one with thousands of men. Most of them know that Jesus promised “a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10). But almost to a man they are confused about what that looks like. In fact, I’d estimate that 90 percent of Christian men lead lukewarm, stagnant, defeated lives—and they hate it.

When men try to put into words what’s holding them back, they invariably describe one or more of these seven symptoms:

■“I just feel like I’m in this thing alone.”

■“I don’t feel like God cares about me personally—not really.”

■“I don’t feel like my life has a purpose. In fact, it seems random.”

■“I have destructive behaviors that keep dragging me down.”

■“My soul feels dry.”

■“My most important relationships are not working.”

■“I don’t feel like I’m doing anything that will make a difference.”

Do you see yourself in these confessions?

These inner aches and pains correspond to seven primal God-given needs that all men feel deeply. And in Man Alive, I’ll show you something surprising—God’s plan for harnessing that raw, restless energy you feel to propel you toward the life you were meant to live.

No man should have to settle for half alive. You can experience a powerful life transformed by Christ. I promise you, there is a way. In the book you’re holding, I’ll show you how.

Yours for changed lives,
Patrick Morley

My review:I grabbed this book to review for a few  reasons: It sounded the best of the available books for review from Waterbrook/Multnomah, I don't read enough non-fiction books, and I have read other books by Patrick Morley and was impressed with what I read.

Reading Man Alive was definitely not a waste of time. It hit me right where I am at, and where a lot of guys in the church are at. It is stirring. Very stirring. I found myself moved, convicted, hopeful, and filled with a longing to be more. The book even moved me to tears at times.

This isn't a "feel-good", "mumbo-jumbo" book. The author nails it right on the head with the issues facing Christian men and gives solutions. The ultimate solution is God and a better relationship with Him, but Patrick shows the hindrances and hold-ups to that and how to conquer those.

Any man who is feeling stagnant, empty, like they are just on a treadmill of religion needs to read  this book. I don't often get into non-fiction books like I did this one. I devoured it and read it in one evening. I very much recommend it. Definitely worth reading and implementing what is in the pages of the book.

About the author:

The author of eighteen books, Patrick Morley, PhD, is best known for writing The Man in the Mirror, which has sold over 3 million copies and was named one of the 100 most influential Christian books of the twentieth century. He teaches a Bible study to 5,000 men, and is the founder of Man in the Mirror, a ministry to men. He and his wife have two grown children and live in Winter Park, Florida.

Check out the website for the book which has a sample chapter and other resources.

Man Alive is available from Waterbrook/Multnomah Publishing.

Thanks to Waterbrook/Multnomah for the review copy.

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