Sunday, November 20, 2011

Common English Bible...... and a giveaway

What is the CEB?My review:

The Common English Bible is more than a revision or update of an existing translation. It’s an ambitious new translation designed to read smoothly and naturally without compromising the accuracy of the Bible text.

A key goal of the translation team is to make the Bible accessible to a broad range of people; it’s written at a comfortable level for nearly all English readers. As the translators do their work, reading specialists working with 77 reading groups from more than a dozen denominations review the texts to ensure a smooth and natural reading experience. Easy readability can enhance church worship and participation, and personal Bible study. It also encourages children and youth to discover the Bible for themselves, perhaps for the very first time.

Who Is It For?

The Common English Bible is committed to the whole church of Jesus Christ. To achieve this, the CEB represents the work of a diverse team with broad scholarship, including the work of over one hundred and twenty scholars—men and women from twenty-four faith traditions in American, African, Asian, European and Latino communities. As a result, the English translation of ancient words has an uncommon relevance for a broad audience of Bible readers—from children to scholars.

Who Sponsored the Common English Bible?

The Common English Bible is a distinct new imprint and brand for Bibles and reference products about the Bible. Publishing and marketing offices are located in Nashville, Tennessee. The CEB translation was funded by the Church Resources Development Corp, which allows for cooperation among denominational publishers in the development and distribution of Bibles, curriculum, and worship materials. The Common English Bible Committee meets periodically and consists of denominational publishers from the following denominations: Disciples of Christ (Chalice Press); Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (Westminster John Knox Press); Episcopal Church (Church Publishing Inc); United Church of Christ (Pilgrim Press); and United Methodist Church (Abingdon Press).

I am big on reading different translations of the Bible, and am always eager to check out a new one, so I jumped at the chance to review The Common English Bible.

I like it. It isn't far out in the language, but the language is modern enough that it is definitely easier to read than some translations. I obviously haven't read the whole thing. I am a fast reader, but not THAT fast. I have looked through it, and read several familiar passages to see how they differ from the KJV and NKJV. I even took it with me to church this morning and used it in Sunday School class and church.

There are some verses where the wording is a lot different, and not a lot on some others, yet from what I have seen so far, the meaning of the verse hasn't been changed. They have stayed true to what the verse means and is saying, they have just worded it better and more in today's language.

My only complaint is I wish the Bible was red-letter, but that isn't a big issue.

This is Psalm 23 from The Common English Bible:

1 The LORD is my shepherd.

I lack nothing.

2 He lets me rest in grassy meadows;
he leads me to restful waters;

3 he keeps me alive.
He guides me in proper paths
for the sake of his good name.

4 Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,
I fear no danger
because you are with me.
Your rod and your staff—
they protect me.

5 You set a table for me
right in front of my enemies.
You bathe my head in oil;
my cup is so full it spills over!

6 Yes, goodness and faithful love
will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live[b] in the LORD’s house
as long as I live.

I am allowed to give a copy of The Common English Bible each week I blog about it during the next 3 months. This is the first giveaway, and I am going to do something I normally don't do: make it possible to get an extra entry.

Here is how to enter. Follow the instructions to be eligible: Go to, and read a passage of Scripture. (scroll down on the page I linked to, it has all of the books of the Bible and their chapters). Comment on this blog post/review and tell me what passage(s) that you read.

Second entry: I would like to help generate some buzz and interest in this version and giveway, so if you mention this giveaway and link to it on Twitter, a blog, facebook, or even email it to some friends, comment a second time and tell me.

Drawing date: I will pick a winner using a week from today, and if there has been enough interest, will do more giveaways in the coming weeks.

Check out the website for The Common English Bible.

Thanks to B&B Media and The Common English Bible Team for the review copy and giveaway.


  1. I read Genesis 1-2 to see how it handled the gender issues associated with creation. I'm excited to see how the rest of this translation does!

  2. One of my favourite verses is Jeremiah 29:11, I love this translation!

    "I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the LORD; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope."

    Great giveaway!

  3. I posted about this giveaway on my blog here.

  4. I read Ecclesiastes 9; I am actually reading all of Ecclesiastes at this time of the year.


  5. I read John 1:1-50. I'm like you, always looking to read a new translation. :)
