Wednesday, December 8, 2010

20 ways to be a kid again at Christmas

  1. go caroling in your neighborhood
  2. go to a bookstore and read Christmas picture books in the kid's section
  3. build a snowman
  4. throw snowballs at the neighbor's car
  5. decorate sugar cookies, and be sure to make an absolute mess
  6. go to the mall and see if you can buy 5 gifts with $10
  7. shake every box under the Christmas tree and guess what is in each one
  8. ask everyone you meet how many more days til Christmas
  9. get your picture taken with Santa
  10. put at least 5 marshmallows in your hot chocolate - the big ones
  11. go sledding
  12. watch a different Christmas movie every night
  13. get up at 6 am on Christmas morning
  14. leave cookies for Santa
  15. go through a toy catalog and tear out everything you want for Christmas
  16. jump with joy on your last day of work before the holidays
  17. write a letter to Santa
  18. shovel driveways and collect donations for the local homeless shelter
  19. make a Christmas tree ornament. Get creative with construction paper, glitter, and pine cones
  20. after Christmas, write thank-you notes. Be sure to include lots of colorful stickers

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