Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Award Won

I won The Versatile Blogger award yesterday, thank you to Annette at A Well-Watered Garden. Due to an extreme lack of desire to blog, read, and many other things, I have not gotten around to doing my part.

The rules for this award is that when you receive this award, you must share seven things about yourself and then pass it on to fifteen blog's you've recently discovered that you enjoy! I am skipping the step of going to each blog to save some time though. :-)
Seven things about me huh? Yikes - ok
1) I am not bald - I shave my head. Though I shave it because I was losing it anyway.....
2) I play the piano, but due to selling my electric piano, rarely do anymore.
3) My favorite foods are chicken and pizza, and I love Mexican and Chinese food. And Italian. And American.......
4) Southern Gospel music is my favorite genre' of music, with my favorite groups being The Booth Brothers, The Talley Trio, Gaither Vocal Band, Jeff and Sheri Easter, Sisters, The Hoppers,  and Ernie Haase and Signature Sound.
5) I always wanted a brother, but do love the two sisters I have.
6) Most people don't know the real me
7) My favorite attire is blue jeans and a button down shirt, untucked, and either sandals or no shoes at all
First off is Annette's blog at A Well-Watered Garden. I can return the favor, can't I? :-)
Mike Dellosso, one of my favorite authors, at
My friend Kimmy does some book reviews on her blog, The Smug Cloud, and often has giveaways. I have no idea what a smug cloud is, or what a cloud has to be smug about........
Molly does book reviews and book giveaways at her blog, Reviews by Buuklvr81.
Lena Nelson Dooley, an author, does book reviews with giveaways on her blog, A Christian Writer's World.
Winning Readings is a great blog - she posts links to giveaways on other people's blogs, and has helped me out with that several times.
Another author, Bradilyn Collins, has an interesting blog, Forensics and Faith
And another Annette at Live, Learn, Love.
I ran across a blog recently by a 16-year old young man who seems wise beyond his years. And the kid has over 200 followers. Check out Joshua's blog at While I'm Waiting.
Relz Reviews is a great book review blog I follow.
My friend, Kim Matlock has an interesting blog. She also has a homeschooling blog that if you ask nicely, she may invite you to.
International Christian Fiction Writers is a blog run by several authors spread out over the world - an interesting and informative blog to read.
I also enjoy a few political blogs:
Hot Air.
Michelle Malkin.
And Big Government.


  1. Thank you for including me, Mark. Those are some very awesome blogs you read...and I read several, too.

    I wanted to let you know that Mike D's link didn't work.

    Thanks for sharing some great new blogs!

  2. I won, I won! Yay! ;-) Thanks for the honor. Also, The Smug Cloud title is mostly an inside joke, but basically it attests to my being superior in every way...which is also just a joke. I'm not really smug, but sometimes I pretend to be for fun;-)

  3. Yes, you can return the favor. Thank you much.
    I love food also, thats why I'm on a diet.
    I wish I could go barefoot but my feet would bother me, so I wear Crocs or my Asics.
    Nice to know you a little better.
