Sunday, March 7, 2010

Blogoversary Update and Other stuff

My computer is down and been "in the hospital" since Thursday a week ago, waiting for a part, so I have been using my parents' computer. Unfortunately, I have not been able to post a new blog for some weird reason, but finally got that issue fixed. Fortunately, I had several posts scheduled. I did have a couple of things I wanted to talk about, so here is an "update on my life" post, along with more on the blogoversary.

First off, the blogoversary: If you have been following my giveaways going on, I have had one every day this month, and there will be 10 in all, the last being on March 10. The deadline to enter all 10 is midnight on March 15, with the drawings all on March 16. Since I will have mutiple winners, I am going to try something new: instead of emailing every winner, I will publish the winners on a blog post on March 16, and let the winners email me their mailing address. I will not be a stickler about it in case everyone doesn't read this notice, and will give the winners a couple of weeks to get back to me, and then will email anyone who hasn't. Just hoping to save myself a little time.

One more thing about the blogoversary: there are 2 "special" giveaways. One was specifically for people who had commented on this blog prior to this month. The second "special" giveaway will be on March 10, and will have two winners. There is still plenty of time to enter the seven giveaways that have posted so far.

Now for the "other stuff" - an update on my life. For anyone who knows me well, or has followed this blog for very long, you probably know I have been unemployed for several months. I recently got a job at Sav A Lot, a grocery store. One just opened here in my town. There is good and bad. The good: I have a job, and it is only 4 minutes away. The bad: it is only part time, and not enough to get me into my own place again, but it is a step in the right direction.


  1. Oh, I think just posting the winners makes it much easier on yourself!

    I just posted about your blogoversary giveaways today. Thanks!

  2. Glad things are looking up for you job-wise!

  3. Thanks, just in case I do miss the list I know I will be contacted should I win.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
