Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Only God Knows - a pro-life song

This week is dedicated to life. Sadly, everyone in this country does not have the right to life. The carelessness and selfishness of so many people is ending countless lives while they are still in the womb. We hear so much about women's rights - what about the rights of the unborn? They are trampled under the so called rights of the mothers who allow them to be butchered in the womb.

I cried the first time I heard this song back in 1986. I still fight tears every time I hear it.
  Here are the lyrics to an awesome song, and the video posted below:

Only God Knows (Sheldon Mencer)

Verse 1
She will never see the beauty of a sunrise
Nor pick a flower blowing in the wind
She will never climb up to sit on Daddy's knee
Never spend a summer day with her best friend
She will never bake cookies with Mommy
Never know what it's like to be sixteen
Never spend her love with that special someone
Never have the family of her childhood dreams

Verse 2
He will never celebrate his first birthday
You will never hear him call your name out loud
He will never run across the grassy meadow
Nor will he be the little boy that makes you proud
He will never go fishing with Daddy
Nor have the joy of buying his first car
He will never get to father his own family
Or hear his little boy wish upon a star

Day by day and one by one, we're killing our future
By the thousands every day across the land
Can you tell me what has happened to America?
Is there anyone who dares to take a stand?
We have the blood of little children on our hands

But in Heaven God is picking up the pieces
Of the countless treasures we have thrown away
While slowly He's reshaping and re-molding
Those precious little helpless lumps of clay
So lovingly, He holds them in His hands
Only God knows, just what they could have been.



  1. I love this song!! I first heard it sung by Brian Free and Assurance years ago. What a message. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I used to cry when I heard this song as a young girl.

  3. I attended a pro-life event this weekend in which Sheldon Mencer sang "Only God Knows." Thought you might be interested in a video I uploaded of him singing the song:
