Saturday, January 16, 2010

Going Rogue by Sarah Palin

I finally did it. I read Going Rogue by Sarah Palin. I've wanted to read it since it came out, but couldn't afford to buy a copy. Fortunately, I got one loaned to me.

There is a lot of stuff out there about this lady, but from the start, I have been extremely pro-Palin. She is beautiful, and in my opinion, is what coservatism is all about. I was excited about her from the moment she was intoduced as John McCain's running mate - more excited than I was about him. I immediately googled her and found a picture of their family, and remember thinking "what a lovely family!" The more I heard about her, the more I liked her and was convinced she would make a great vice president.  Did I change my mind after reading her book? Nope.

The book starts out talking about her childhood, and goes up through her becoming council woman, mayor, governor, and finally the GOP Vice Presidential candidate. I think she is a fascinating woman, and even more so after reading the book.

I learned a lot in the book - not just about Sarah Palin and her family, but also about politics, about how a campaign is run, and why so many good people stay away from politics - it sounds pretty brutal.

The media and liberals have been incredibly nasty towards her and her family, and I found out even more about that in the book - and no, it isn't a "get-even" type of book - she is rather matter of fact in telling of the attacks they came under during - and after the campaign.

I'm not much into biographies, but I really enjoyed this one - and came away with a greater appreciation for this great woman, and a greater belief that she would make a great president, in spite of what they say.

So.... get a hold of a copy of Going Rogue, and I promise it will be an enjoyable read.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking over your blog
    God bless you
