Friday, October 2, 2009


This book was not sent to me to review. It is actually a book that I won, or to be more exact, that someone else won and traded me for a book I won. The book impressed me so much, I wanted to do a quick review of it.

This is a story of suspense, and a really good one. But more than that, the author, Mike Dellosso, holds no punches in presenting the truths that hell is indeed a real place, that it takes more than going to church, keeping all of the rules, being baptized - to make it to Heaven. That unless we have trusted Jesus as Savior, and gotten forgiveness for our sins, and are living for Him, we will drop straight into hell when we die.

Not many fiction books will shake you. Many are more than just a good story, and many
make you think. This is one of those, but it does more than just make you think. It does indeed shake you a bit and make you more determined to avoid going to that place of torment.

This is Mike's second book, his first was "Hunted" that released last year. I would compare him to Frank Peretti. If you enjoy reading Peretti, you will most likely enjoy reading Mike Dellosso. So if you want to read some really good fiction, check his books out.

Book description (CBD)

Mark Stone hears a cacophony of disturbing screams over the phone---and seconds later his friend is dead! After experiencing this pattern again, he begins investigating the meaning behind it. But then his estranged wife is kidnapped and calls for help---and he hears those otherworldly cries. Can he find Cheryl before it's too late?

1 comment:

  1. Mark, thanks for the honest review of Scream. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, but more than that, I'm blessed that it blessed you. That's what it's all about.

