Sunday, October 11, 2009


Here are a few pictures I snapped of my nieces & nephews recently. Most of them were taken with my cell phone, with the exception of the last two photos, but they turned out pretty decent.

Below: all six kids from oldest to youngest: Stephanie, Allie, Katie, Josiah, Benjy, and Nathan

Nathan, trying to pick up one of the pumpkins my dad grew

A few weeks ago, the Johnny Appleseed Festival was held here in town. They had this apple by the gazebo, so I snapped my nieces' pictures in it. Here is one of Katie & Allie
And Stephanie - the apple wouldn't hold all three girls at one time:

Josiah, in his denim bib overalls worn for pictures at Walmart

And Benjy in his denim bib overalls


  1. Your nieces and nephews are adorable! I bet the apple festival was lots of fun.
