Monday, October 26, 2009

The Bridge, Revisited

It is a beautiful day in Ohio, so I decided to head out for the covered bridge and bike/walking trail near me. Armed with my Ipod, camera, and cell phone, I set out mainly to take some pictures, and get a little walk in. I took pictures previously and posted, but it all looks different in the fall.

Below, a hillside off Route 45 close to the covered bridge

The trail
The "rest area", surrounded by fallen leaves. I have yet to take advantage of it since it is so close to where I get on the trail.

Another view of the trail

Not sure what kind of tree this is, but the leaves are fairly large

Some pretty leaves I spotted from the trail

A chipmunk who posed long enough for me to take two pictures. He said he wants to be a model.

A view from the trail. The creek is visible far below that the covered bridge crosses.

The Eagelton Road entrance to the Greenway Trail. I saw the funniest thing on the trail - an older couple riding some kind of 2-person bicycle, but they sat side-by-side, and both pedaled. There was a space underneath that had a box - I assume food, etc, and they had a stereo mounted on it somewhere that was playing a radio station. :-)

I met the nicest older couple at the bridge. His grandfather built the bridge. We chatted about covered bridges, trips they took, and I offered to a picture of them together in front of the bridge, and in return, she took a couple of me - should have had her use the close-up, but maybe it is a good thing I can't be seen well. :-)

The bridge, without me in front of it.

Interior shot


  1. everything looks better in the fall. you need to come and go to the covered bridge festival with us....
    glad you went walking!

  2. Beautiful!

    The leaf might have been from a beech tree. Might.
