Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Hoppers, Live Across America

The Hoppers, one of my favorite groups, just did a new CD titled, "Live Across America". To my understanding, it was recorded live at several different locations, then put onto one CD. My one gripe with the CD is that it is about half old songs and half new, but the new songs make it worth buying.

The CD starts out with a song I wouldn't have picked from their many songs: "Holy Ghost Wind". It is an OK song, but I can't believe it would rank very high among audience favorites.

Next up is a new song, "Blame It On Love". A cool song, talks about what Jesus did on the cross, and the reason He did it, can be "blamed on love". The song has good lyrics, and a nice tune, a song I can see myself listening to a lot.

Third on the disc is another song the Hoppers have previously done: "Jesus Saves". This is one of those convention style songs, where everyone seems to be singing a different line on the chorus. I've always liked this bouncy little song, and am cool with it being on the CD.

"Pathway Built For Two", penned by Phil Cross, and someone who is really turning out good songs: Jim Brady of The Booth Brothers. Again, a song with a pleasing tune, and good lyrics. Talks about the narrow road we are on, but walking it with Jesus, staying on the pathway built for two.

The 5th cut on the CD is the best song on the CD. When I saw the song list, and saw it had this song listed, I found myself hoping it was the same one I have known for years, and it is: "Ten Thousand Years". I have always loved this song, ever since I first heard it as a teenager. I don't have it anywhere to listen to. I think we used to have it on a LP by someone, so to get it on CD by a great group I love, makes me ecstatic. The whole group leads off on the first verse, with Kim taking a solo on the second verse. They do a tremendous job on it, even better than I hoped. Can I say "repeat"?!

"Ready to Leave" is an old Hemphills' song - fast and upbeat, and the Hoppers do it better, I have to say.

"On My Journey Home" is another I wouldn't have picked. It is bouncy, and I like bouncy, but it is one that Claude is featured on, and face it, the guy just can't sing that great anymore........the song is a good song though.

"Mama Was Praying For Me" was recorded by Connie Hopper several years ago, but I don't think ever by the whole group. With her still singing the verses, this new recording is well done. Talks about how important it is for mothers to pray for their kids, and grand kids.

"He's Worthy" is a rousing song done back in the 90's by the Hoppers. Never was a favorite, but it is a good song and has a nice tempo. The song really shows what Kim can do with her great soprano voice.

"It Is Well", one of my favorite hymns, and is performed very well here.

The CD ends with "Jerusalem". I liked this song the first time I heard it, done not too many years ago on a CD in the 2000's. It has a very unique tempo and accompanying music, but is a neat song.

Overall, a great CD. I would have selected a few different songs, but hey, they didn't ask me. :-)

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