Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fearless, by Max Lucado

Fearless may be Max Lucado's best book so far. The book is subtitled Imagine Your Life Without Fear. The biggest majority of my reading is fiction, and when I read a non-fiction book, I never read it in one sitting, but I did with this one.

Max starts out the book with a chapter titled "Why Are We Afraid.?" He relates the story from the Bible when Jesus was asleep in the boat and the storm came up. Jesus asked them "why are you afraid, you of such little faith?" This story is used as the springboard for the rest of the book.

Throughout the book, Max addresses the relaity of fear, some of the things we fear, but assures the reader that no matter what, God is in control. That some fears are reasonable, and some even healthy, but we can't let fear rule our lives, and that fear can indicate a lack of faith.

Accompanying the book are some additional resources. A DVD small group kit, a discussion book, and a promise booklet. Max also has launched a site dedicated to the book and people's fears: thefearlesstimes.com.

You can read the first chapter of the book here. Check it out. I found the book to be very helpful, and it convicted me of how fearful I am, and how I need to trust God more, and fear less.

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review, Mark. I've been debating whether the book would be a worthwhile purchase for me. Fear is a HUGE problem with me but I do believe that God has already dealt with me on the "learn the lesson" end.

    A few years back, He directed me to John 14:1 and delivered a similar message as the one you stated is in Mr. Lucado's book. It was so clear at the time. I experienced fear and depression because I refused to LOOK at Him and trust Him. Everything was all about how I felt, what might happen to me, whether I was in control. And I was miserable until I finally came to the point of brokenness where I was pleading with God to give me something---ANYTHING to put me back in a place of spiritual peace.

    And I've been instructed to put into practice what I've learned, rather than continue to try to find comfort in circumstances or other people or whatever.

    I'm really tempted to get the book but wonder if God might look at that as yet another lack of faith in what He already has told me?

