Thursday, July 2, 2009

Free Books! A Trial Run

As I mentioned on a previous blog, at the end of the month, I will be reviewing a book as part of a blog tour, and will be able to do a giveaway.

I mentioned a blog where they do monthly giveaways - and though I can't do that out of my own pocket, hopefully I will have opportunities to do more of it in the future.

I have, however, decided to do a trial run. See how many people are hanging around and would participate in something like that. I am going to give away two books, since they go together, and what good would book two do me without book one. I actually have the books already - somewhere in storage, and they are good. Christian suspense, with the main character being a lawyer.
The books are "Sober Justice" and "Double Take", both by Joe Hilley. Note: These books were part of my dollar a box deal I bought recently at a yard sale. They are brand-new, but both have a "remainder mark" along the bottom to mark them as clearance items. I think they are great books - I didn't like the newest one in the series, which I read on vacation, but the rest of the series, including these two, are well-written and an enjoyable read.
Here is how it is going to work: I will give this two weeks, so two weeks from today, July 16th, I will pick a winner, get their address, and mail them the books. All you have to do, is comment on this blog. Say "Enter me" or any comment. "Mark is a great guy!" will even work. :-) - just kidding - though I will count such a comment as an entry.
And I will be fair. It was suggested by the author's contact for this upcoming review/giveaway, that I write down everybody's name who enters on slips of paper, and draw a name, so that is how I will do it. You don't have to "follow" my blog, just make a comment on this particular post, and I will enter you.


  1. Free books? Really? Count me in.

  2. Hey, Mark, you don't have to write down all the names and draw from a hat--use this site:
    I'm pretty sure it's free, but you'd need to set up an account.
    And I'd love some new books! :-)

  3. What a neat idea. Count me in Mark


  4. Mark is a great guy! ( gag! jk!! lol!!) See ya Sunday night!

  5. Count me in too!!! LOL sorry Just couldn't bring myself to say the other comment... lol
