Thursday, December 18, 2008

December Happenings

Man, Christmas is only a week away. Hard to believe. So many Christmas songs to listen to, so little time.........

They had a Christmas party at work today. They supplied sloppy joes, cookies, and pop, and everyone took in something. There was quite a bit of food. They also did a raffle for Fiesta Ware - Mom nor I did that, and then they gave out a ham to every employee. Mom got a 7 1/2 pound, and mine was 11 pounds. Santa handed them out. :-) We topped the work day off with a hearing test. What fun!

This evening was more food. Our church academy had their yearly Christmas dinner and program. There was tons of food, and lots of dessert - 2 tables full! I definitely got enough to eat. I had to laugh at my sister - she took a ham, sliced, and was afraid it would be gone before she got up to it, so she kept a small container of it at the table to ensure that she got some ham. :-) Dad was amazed when we started passing it back and forth.

The elementary kids sang a few songs, then the highlight of the evening: The Christmas Carol play. There were some doubts how this would come out. Caleb, the boy playing Scrooge got sick 2 days before tonight, so a guy from our church was going to play Scrooge, and his name was even listed on the program, but yesterday his wife had seizures and went into a coma, which took him out. In the end, Caleb was able to fulfill his role, which he pulled off very well. My oldest niece played Martha Cratchett, and I thought she did great, but I am partial. She also looked cute in her costume.

My hat is off to Lori, the teacher of my oldest niece, and the director of the play. She has been in several plays, but to my knowledge has never directed one, and she did great. It is obvious that she put a lot of time into it. Her parents were there, and presented her with a bouquet of flowers - I think roses. (Her mother is a delightful woman!)

The costumes were great, as were the props, which were done by the principal. The one thing that went noticeable wrong was the flaming pudding. My niece carried it to the table, and it was flaming pretty high. The kids were blowing on it, trying to put it out, until an adult ran off the stage with it. It turns out that it was a rag that was supposed to be soaked in alcohol, but it didn't get enough alcohol, so the rag caught on fire. :-)

I consider it an evening well spent. Even if I hadn't eaten so well, the play would have been worth it. I like to take in a viewing of the play every year if I can, and have not for a few years. Our local theater is not showing it this year, though their price has gone up pretty high anyway.

There was an air of sadness over some of us this evening. The wife of the guy who was going t play Scrooge, lies at death's door. Most likely, tomorrow the plug will be pulled, and her life will end, leaving behind 2 teenage daughters, and her husband. Even if you don't know the family, say a prayer for them at this difficult time.

1 comment:

  1. I am sending up prayers for that lady who is in a coma. That is so sad!

    Hilarious about the flaming pudding. I would have loved to seen that part of the play!
