Friday, June 27, 2008

The Big Move

In case anyone is wondering about my well-being, I am one exhausted guy. Yesterday, my day started around 8 with some last packing. Then at 10:30, Joe Mincer came over and helped me pick up my truck and get it backed in, and also helped me throw some of the bigger furniture items on the truck. Then I slowly worked at it with an occasional break til Steven got home - it was horrid packing in that heat.

We finally finished loading the truck around 9, got some last minute stuff done, then went to Wendy's. I was bummed out - they put mayonnaise on my chicken club after I asked them not to, and I didn't find out til I got home, so I discarded the top bun and the tomato - and I LOVE tomato.

Finally got to bed around 11:30, got up at 3:30, said my last good-bye, a tough one, not that any were easy - and was on the rad about 4:20 am. It took me awhile to gain confidence driving, but eventually worked my way up to 70, and even 75 for a bit.

I must confess a blond moment, or a couple, as it happened twice. I forgot I was towing my car - you can't see it, just the trailer in the mirrors. When I was turning in to get gas. I saw it in my mirror and thought someone was following me closely, and just started to think "that idiotic moron is tailgating.......oh, that's my car! I felt foolish, but not foolish enough to stop me from doing the same thing later. :-)

I got detoured after Columbus, OH. They had a few miles of I70 shut down due to high water. I got detoured through a small town called Buckye Lake - it was hard to tell where the lake was. Man, they had the water, everywhere. There was a trailer park still flooded- water up to halfway on the car tires, and pretty far up on some of the trailers. I am sure glad I haven't been flooded anywhere.

Arrived in Lisbon at about 12:05 pm. I had no idea what to do with the truck and trailer, and Dad wasn't home - there was no way I was going to try to get the whole contraption down in their driveway. Mom came to meet me, and we found a place to park it all while we ate lunch, which Dad arrived in time for.

After lunch, we did bring the truck and trailer here. I parked it in the front yard long enough to get the car off, and unhook the trailer, then came down the driveway so we could unload the stuff for here, which seems to be a lot now that it is in the house. Dad partitioned off the one part of the basement so I have some privacy, and even put a table up and ran a Internet cable so I can set up my own computer.

Then the fun part: we headed up to the storage place. Mom (and I) didn't think everything was going to fit into that small 10' by 10" area, but Dad managed to do it. Finally, we got the empty truck to the closest UHaul place, and came home. Mom had to go to the church for VBS, so I tagged along and got to see some people. The VBS was done by Frances Stetler, and though I just sat in on the last night of it, I was impressed.

We brought my 3 nieces home for overnight, and as I type, they are on another computer giggling up a storm. :-)

Total gas cost for the trip: $205, not good, but not as bad as I feared. The cheapest I saw was $3.66 in North Canton, OH, but that was if you had some card for the place, whatever that entails.

It is kind of scary, having most of what I own in storage, sleeping on my parents' sofa bed in the basement, having no idea what the future holds - where I will work, where I will live. I am hoping and praying God works it out. Oddly enough, I received some encouragement along that line tonight at VBS. She said some things she said she didn't know why she felt she should, and who knows, maybe I was the reason. Anyway, for better or worse, I am home, and hopefully God will work out the rest.

Thanks to my Indiana friends, Kim, Cindy, and Steven, for being my friends for the 2 years I lived in your state, and for making me feel welcome and part of your family. You gave me a great gift: the knowledge how to play Rook, and a love for the game. Here is hoping I get the chance to beat Cindy again the game we so love. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and here is wishing God's best for you. Keep in touch. (I made other friends too, but not that read my blog) :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you made it safely! Your story about seeing your car "tailing" you was HILARIOUS! It sounds just like something I'd do. LOL
    The important thing is that you got your computer hooked up. That's good. :-D You keep that blog updated, now, ya hear?!
    I'll be prayin' that you'll find a good job and get settled. I know your mother must be brimming with joy to have you home. It was so nice to have you here these past 2 years!!!
    Please keep in touch and visit us.
