Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Song of Sourwood Mountain by Ann H Gabhart


Book description:

The doors she thought were closed forever are starting to open up . . . just a crack

Though the century began with such promise, it is 1910 when Mira Dean's hopes of being a wife and mother are dashed to pieces. Her fiancé dead from tuberculosis, Mira resigns herself to being a spinster schoolteacher--until Gordon Covington shows up.

No longer the boy she knew from school, Gordon is now a preacher who is full of surprises. First, he asks Mira to come to Sourwood in Eastern Kentucky to teach at his mission school. Second, he asks her to marry him. Just like that.

With much trepidation, Mira steps out in faith into a life she never imagined, in a place filled with its own special challenges, to serve a people who just might end up becoming the family she always yearned for.

My review:
  The only books I have previously read by this author were her Hidden Springs Mystery Series, which was awesome. Though this one is not suspense, I thought it sounded interesting.

 This was a slower paced read, but I really enjoyed it. Mira and Gordon were great and likable characters, and the book was filled with other interesting, odd, and likable characters.

 The author did a great job of describing life in a mountain area inhabited by mountain folk, a lot of them suspicious and leery of outsiders. With Gordon being the pastor and his wife being the teacher, there was a constant parade of individuals through the church, school, and home. 

  Though it wasn't a fast paced novel, I did have a hard time laying it down when I needed to, and wanted to see how it ended. One thing slightly disappointing: There was an event that was going to happen, and the author didn't have it happen in the book. Instead, it was mentioned in a letter from Mira to her sister at the end of the book. That is vague, but I don't want to give spoilers. 

 This was truly an enjoyable read of a young couple falling in love after they are married as they navigate teaching and ministering to a wide variety of mountain people. It left me wanting to check out the author's other non-suspense novels. (Though I wouldn't mind more suspense novels from her.)

 Special thanks to the publisher for an advance copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

About the author:
Ann H. Gabhart
is the bestselling author of many novels, including In the Shadow of the River, When the Meadow Blooms, Along a Storied Trail, An Appalachian Summer, River to Redemption, These Healing Hills, and Angel Sister. She and her husband live on a farm a mile from where she was born in rural Kentucky. Ann enjoys discovering the everyday wonders of nature while hiking in her farm's fields and woods with her grandchildren and her dogs, Frankie and Marley. Learn more at

The Song of Sourwood Mountain is available from Revell Publishing, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New and notable author/Series spotlight: Pennsylvania Parks Series by Elle E Kay

 Last year, I ran across a book that sounded really good by an author I had never read: Grave Pursuits, #1 in the Pennsylvania Parks Series by Elle E Kay. It is a Christian suspense novel, and I was intrigued enough to try it. And I loved it.

A second book, Grave Secrets came out later last year. I bought it and it was just as good. Book #3, Grave Consequences came out last month. And yes, it was really good.

The author has several other books, most of which I have not yet read. I did read a few books she wrote as part of a muti-author series, Freedom Ridge, which is a great series. She wrote books #3, #11, and #15. 

There is also her Endless Mountain Series. I read and enjoyed the first book. 

And she has also written some books in the muti-author Lawkeeper Series.

The Pennsylvania Parks Series books are a case of not judging a book by its cover. Maybe it is just me - and my  apologies to the author - they just don't draw me in. One thing is I have never cared for book covers that have the people's faces that color of the book - in this case: purple, blue, and orange.

So it was the book's description that grabbed me.

#1 Grave Pursuits

Tensions increase as the body count builds.

Join park ranger Emily Davis on her quest to discover a killer's identity in Grave Pursuits, a gripping Christian romantic suspense novel set in Hickory Run State Park. When a hiker goes missing and Emily discovers a skull, she finds herself targeted by a serial killer, putting her faith to the test.

As the case garners national attention, Emily turns to her high school sweetheart and seasoned detective, Wade Brunner, for help in this Christian mystery thriller. Together, they embark on an exciting adventure, uncovering sinister secrets lurking in the park.

Grave Pursuits is a clean and inspirational read, perfect for fans of faith-based thrillers and second chance romantic suspense novels.

#2 Grave Secrets

Two Disappearances, One Deadly Connection.

In Philadelphia, Gavin's sister Cate goes missing, and her disappearance is linked to an enigmatic sorority invite. Gavin's search for clues takes him to Ricketts Glen State Park, where Park Ranger Samantha is investigating her own family tragedy—the unsolved disappearance of her uncle. As they piece together a complex puzzle, they unearth connections that lead them to a shadowy society operating in the area. Together, along with Gavin's brother Grayson, they find themselves entangled in a web of deceit and danger.

As threats multiply, they're forced into a deadly showdown with a clandestine organization, willing to protect its secrets at any cost. In this landscape of breathtaking beauty, alliances are tested, bonds are formed, and justice is sought. Grave Secrets is a story of courage, love, and twisted minds, that'll keep you on the edge of your seat.

#3 Grave Consequences

The Deeper the Roots, The Darker the Secrets.

Malachi James and Cate Garrison come together in Pennsylvania’s Worlds End State Park with a shared mission to protect three innocent bear cubs.

Their efforts bring them into conflict with Jade, a cult Malachi’s father founded and his mother embraced. The society poses a serious risk to both their mission and their lives. AS they fight for justice and independence, their feelings for each other grow and their faith deepens shedding light into the darkest corners of their histories.

Confronted with his mother’s schemes and his father's past misdeeds, Malachi faces crucial decisions. The ancient forest serves as a backdrop for the personal battles he and Cate endure.

Grave Consequences explores the bonds of faith and family as Malachi and Cate confront nightmares and seek divine guidance for their future. Amid the majestic natural setting, their beliefs are put to the test.

I don't know if there are any other books coming, but I hope so. This is a great series, and I have enjoyed every book. I highly recommend this series, and this author.

About the author:

Elle E. Kay lives on a hobby farm in Central Pennsylvania with her husband, three dogs, and many farm animals. She is a born-again Bible believing Christian who keeps perennial gardens and enjoys the wildflowers strewn about her property. The wildlife who visit the property are a joy for her, but nothing beats the excitement of a kid being born to one of her many goats.

She released Grave Secrets on October 16, 2023. It was the second book in the Pennsylvania Parks series of romantic suspense novels which take place in and around Pennsylvania's scenic state parks. Shadowing Stella was Elle's debut novel and it started off her Endless Mountain trilogy.

Elle also wrote three contemporary and four historical novellas for the multi-author Lawkeeper series, published two books in the Blushing Brides series, and three books in the Heroes of Freedom Ridge series. She has a novel titled Wooing the Widower due out on November 15, 2023 for the Christmas in Redemption Ridge Series.

Her website is kept updated with the latest information about her upcoming books:

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

With Each Tomorrow, The Jewels of Kalispell #2 by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse


Book description:

As the formation of Glacier National Park takes Eleanor Briggs and her conservationist father on a journey west to advocate for public lands, her heart carries the weight of a painful past. Since the death of her mother, she has spent her life traveling the country with her father and helping him with his work, but now he's considering settling down and writing a book, and she's not sure what that means for her future.

Carter Brunswick faces trials of his own when the Great Northern Railway's departure threatens his family's livelihood and the entire town of Kalispell. In the visiting conservationist's daughter, Ellie, he finds a spirited woman who challenges his convictions in ways he never anticipated, and his own dreams for the future begin to change.

When tensions over the railroad's departure boil over, Ellie and Carter are drawn together on a daring journey that tests the depths of their feelings and their faith in God.

Return to Kalispell, Montana, with bestselling authors Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse for a powerful tale of perseverance, truth, and the transformative power of love.

My review:
I have learned that anything these two authors collaborate on is worth reading. Their Heart of Alaska series will most likely always be my favorite (I liked it so well, that after someone never returned my copies they borrowed, I bought the series), but this one is shaping up to be at least the runner up.

 Anything Woodhouse is involved in has a lot of history, and is historically accurate. (I have Googled things while reading her books). So this series set on historical places in Kalispell has really caught my interest. The first book was about the library, and the second is about the train depot. I thoroughly enjoyed the historical aspects of the story, and then there is the story itself and the characters.

Carter and Ellie were totally awesome and entertaining. They butted heads immediately, with she taking out her frustrations on he and his friend, and then he putting her in her place. Throughout the book, they keep butting heads and she tries her best to deny her liking him, with no success. 

There is a lot of discussion and argument between two views: of people owning too much land and taking away from leaving the land untouched, and those believing in owning a lot of land to help support others. The authors approached that in a way that was interesting to read, and causes the reader to think. At least this reader.

And as is always the case, the authors do not shy away from addressing Biblical truths and lessons. In this book, Ellie struggles to believe in God and that He cares about her because of her mother dying when Ellie was fourteen. She had to learn some lessons, as did Carter. Which had some amusing moments. :)

There is an element of suspense that had be on the edge of my seat til everything calmed down and was resolved.

The first book in this series, The Hearts Choice, was an amazing read. This one is just as good, and was made even more entertaining by the back and forth between the two characters.

And of course, the judge's wife Marvella was back in all of her busybody, matchmaking glory. (Awesome character!)

One thing the authors missed out on, in my humble opinion: At one point, Carter laments to his friend Mark that no girl would be interested in what he was, and that God would have to drop a girl in his lap who was interested in fishing. I thought for sure that was going to come up later, especially after the wilderness trip Ellie was on, but it didn't. Oh well. It was still a really good book. :)

Special thanks to the publisher for an advance  copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

With Each Tomorrow will release on May 21, 2024 from Bethany House Publishers, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

About the authors:

Kimberley Woodhouse ( is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than 30 fiction and nonfiction books. Kim and her incredible husband of 30-plus years live in Pennsylvania, where they play golf together, spend time with their kids and grandbaby, and research all the history around them.

Tracie Peterson
( is the bestselling author of more than 100 novels, both historical and contemporary, with more than 6 million copies sold. She has won the ACFW Lifetime Achievement Award and the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award. Her avid research resonates in her many bestselling series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana.

Check out the first book in the series:

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Hunting Justice, Elite Guardians: Savannah book #2, by Sami A Abrams

Book description:

 A dark secret puts them in the crosshairs of a relentless killer…

Ex-detective and current Elite Guardian Noelle Burton survived a horrifying attack by a serial killer as a child. Now, determined to put the scars of her past behind her, she’s intent on helping the Elite Guardians set up shop in her hometown of Savannah, Georgia. More, she’s wondering if her friendship with Dr. Jonah Harris, an ex-ER doctor turned medical examiner, might be more. But he has his own demons to fight—namely guilt over the death of his wife.

So, maybe not.

Meanwhile, Jonah can't ignore the growing desire he feels for Noelle. If only he knew he wasn’t going to destroy their friendship…

And then, tragedy strikes—the sudden death of a colleague rocks his world, and Jonah knows that there's more to the incident than meets the eye. In fact, he may have been the intended target. Now he needs Noelle…not just as a friend, but as a protector.

Noelle will have to protect Jonah, while not letting their friendship spark into something more, and Jonah will have to unravel the threat that stalks him. Clues lead them down a dark path, revealing unsettling connections to a series of unsolved crimes. And when they stumble upon the chilling possibility of a serial killer lurking in the shadows, all Noelle’s nightmares come back to life.

Then the unthinkable occurs—the killer strikes again, targeting someone close to them. Noelle and Jonah race against time to expose the truth and capture the killer…and when their friendship becomes something deeper, it’s clear they have everything to lose.

My review:
  There are a couple of things about this book that I really like. Well, more than a couple, but two things that stick out: The guy in the story is the one in trouble and needing protection. (Though the girl is too at one point). The second: the two main characters already know each other and are friends. So slight spoiler, not really a spoiler: this is a friends to lovers romantic suspense novel. 

 This book takes off with a big bang...literally....within the first few pages, and then is non stop action and suspense as someone keeps trying to take out Dr Jonah Harris, and Noelle and her team try to protect him. And to make everything more interesting, the author tosses in a cold case turned not so cold that involves Noelle.

Noelle and Jonah were both awesome characters. He is a a former ER doctor turned medical examiner, suffering from guilt for not being able to save his wife. Noelle has a painful past that she covers up until it catches up to her.

Hunting Justice is one of those books that is pretty much non stop suspense and running from the bad guy as he constantly tries to take out the good doctor to keep him silent. The tie-in with what happened to Noelle several years ago made for an awesome plot. 

This is a romantic suspense novel, so there is romance. As I stated before, Jonah and Noelle were already good friends at the beginning of the book, so this was not one of those "boy meets girl and falls in love amid all the danger" books. Jonah and Noelle were already leaning that way, but hindered by his guilt and her scars. It was fun watching them finally get to where they admitted it to each other and themselves. A favorite quote from the book. Jonah has just kissed Noelle, and she said it took her breath away. He replied "Then it is a good thing I am a doctor." :)

 I love these books, and am glad they are doing this other series. I definitely recommend this book, along with the others. 

Special thanks to the publisher for an advance  e-book copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

About the author:
Award-winning, bestselling author Sami Abrams grew up hating to read. It wasn’t until her 30’s that she found authors that captured her attention. Now, most evenings, you can find her engrossed in a Romantic Suspense. In her opinion, a crime and a little romance is the recipe for a great story.

She lives in Northern California, but she will always be a Kansas girl at heart. She has a love of sports, family, and travel. However, a cabin at Lake Tahoe writing her next story is definitely at the top of her list.

If you love romantic suspense, go to Sami's website and sign up for her newsletter to get the inside scoop at 

Check out the other two books in the series:

                                                                   Book #1

Book #3, coming October 15, 2024


Friday, April 26, 2024

New and Notable author: Hannah Hood Lucero


1I had never even heard of this author til last week. Her books sounded really good, and I almost bought the first one in paperback....but since they are on Kindle Unlimited, decided to try #1 that way. 

  And I loved it. I immediately bought all 4 in paperback to celebrate something, and waited until they came to read the other three. And I just finished #4 a few minutes ago.

 The series is titled Sons of Vigilance. There are four books total, and the author has one other book that is young adult. 

 This series is about 5 brothers: Connor, Declan, Rian, Liam, and Kael Flynn. They are Irish, and all red haired....or gingers, the term the author uses a lot.

 When the series starts, Connor, the oldest, is married. He appears in all of  the books, but does not have his own book.

 The first book is about Kael, the second about Rian, the third about Liam, and the last about Declan.

 These books are really good. Amazing, even. They are romantic suspense, and the plots and characters are all exceptional. And something the author excels at is something I love in books: banter between the characters. And believe me, there is a lot of banter between the 5 Irish - ginger - brothers. I smiled a lot, and laughed out loud a lot. 

 This is a series and author I highly recommend. 

Book #1: Already In the Kudzu

A suspenseful story of love, loss, and redemption.

A series of bad choices culminated in the worst day of Jamie Moreno’s life. Although she narrowly escaped her abusive boyfriend, he left her drowning in guilt over unspeakable secrets. Now, seven years later, she’s rebuilt a meaningful but lonely existence—and then one telephone call shatters her peace as her past threatens to destroy everyone she loves.

Staff Sergeant Kael Flynn is no stranger to standing between innocence and the evil men who seek to destroy it. On the cusp of trading in his combat boots for a quiet life, his final mission leaves him with a debt he can never repay. When he uncovers his fallen friend’s plan to keep a young woman safe, he sees a chance to do right by his fellow Marine. The last thing he anticipated was falling in love with the mysterious J. Moreno.

Will Jamie’s tormentor prove to be the one Kael can’t defeat before it’s too late?

Book #2: Beau On the Bayou

A romantic suspense that showcases beauty found in the midst of struggle.

Laurelin Dedeaux Holt’s deep roots and robust family legacy serve her well on the day her world comes crashing down. She needs the tenacity of a Mississippi live oak when her husband’s secret life leaves her a widow and single mother. After months of picking up the pieces, Laurelin finds unexpected hope for her future, but Ethan’s enemies have other plans for her.

Rian Flynn’s singular focus is building his career—until the day Laurelin Holt blows into his life with her cynical humor and spellbinding eyes. Soon he must face his own buried fears with vigilance and determination as he treads the murky waters surrounding this rebel disguised as a Southern belle.

With vengeful drug lords, a faceless serial killer, and the ghosts of Laurelin’s past lurking in the shadows of the Gulf Coast, will Rian and Laurelin grow stronger together or be ripped apart by trouble as relentless as galeforce winds?

Book #3: Crossfire At the Precipice 

Heading home in high spirits after securing a career-building business deal, Cynthia Sumrall encounters a grumpy—and handsome—ginger. What begins as two strangers traveling in the same direction soon spirals into dangers and uncertainties that leave Cynthia floundering. +

A few chance meetings shatter all her preconceived ideas about what she wants and leave her questioning everything she believes about God’s purpose for her life.

 Liam Flynn is dutifully going through the motions until a tenacious redhead shakes up his mundane world with her sunshiny personality and adorable southern drawl. For the first time in his life, Liam wants something for reasons other than pleasing his family and rising above the stigmas attached to his questionable past. Real happiness seems within his reach until tragedy strikes and Cynthia disappears. 

Will Cynthia and Liam be able to navigate through the headwinds of hard realities to find purpose and belonging together, or will the turbulence of fear and loss prove too much for their already tattered souls?

Book #4: Dereliction of the Heart

She's running from her past. He's avoiding his future.

Claire Bryant hasn’t set foot in North Carolina since the day she ran from the darkness that stole her innocence and buried her dreams. Now on the verge of embracing the career she’s spent the past eight years building, she receives a telephone call that sends her racing back to her hometown with her precocious young daughter, wishing she’d come sooner and hoping she’s not too late.

Even with the family watchword of vigilance, Declan Flynn knows his career as an Air Force Pararescue Jumper carries a high likelihood that someday he won’t return home. But he begins to rethink his confirmed bachelorhood when he meets a stranded and stressed mother-daughter duo at the Charlotte airport. Ever ready to be the hero, Declan finds Claire highly resistant to his charms but in great need of a friend.

Back in Brevard, old enemies, lost love, and shadowed memories haunt Claire at every turn. As long-buried secrets come to light, her self-reliance and resilience are no longer enough to protect her family. Faced with unthinkable losses, can she trust the handsome young medic to be there when she needs him most? Can she face the life she threw away to embrace the life she’s always wanted?

   These books have very strong Christian and Biblical themes. The author tackles some tough issues, and her characters struggle in different areas with God and believing in Him and his love.

  This series ranks high in the all of the series I have read. I am just sad there aren't more books in the series. 

 And while I am at it, I may as well mention the young adult book, which I have not read yet. The characters in it make appearances in a couple of the books in the above series.

Cathey's Creek Road

A tenacious girl.

A sulky boy.

Bluegrass and dubstep find a brand new beat.

Evans Sutton was twelve years old when an accident left her scarred inside and out. For five years, insecurity has chipped away at her spirit, threatening to dismantle her once-unshakable faith. Can she find a way to see beyond her fears and imperfections to the God-given beauty within?

Abandoned by his father and unprotected by his mother, Gabe Miller has felt adrift for most of his life. With no hope of ever finding peace, he finds himself in a North Carolina cornfield with blood on his hands. Only an unexpected encounter with a beautiful yet exasperating stranger cascades color into his world of gray. Can Gabe shed his armor of bitterness before pride destroys his future?\

As Evans and Gabe’s friendship grows, the broken pieces of their souls begin to fit together, opening them up to the potential for deeper wounds than before. Does healing or heartbreak await them at the top of Cathey’s Creek Road?

There is beauty to be found in the waiting.

About the author:

HANNAH HOOD LUCERO is a wife, mom of three, Army veteran, and self-proclaimed word-slinger. While it is the brackish waters of the Mississippi Sound that flow through her veins, western North Carolina holds her heart. Her love for storytelling is the fruit of a lifetime of cultivation in the vibrant cultures of the Gulf Coast and the Blue Ridge Mountains. She currently resides in South Mississippi with her husband and three children on their ten-acre homestead. They have one dog, thirteen chickens, and at least fifty species of mosquitos, depending on the month of the year. When she isn’t in the garden, at the stove, or homeschooling, she can be found at her computer—just follow the sound of frenetic typing. Her motto is, “Draft, edit, read, repeat.”

Check out her website:

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Searching for Evidence, Canine Defense #1 by Carol J Post

Book description:

 With his K-9 partner’s help, can he save an innocent life?

K-9 officer Jared Miles stumbles upon a crime scene on his day off and believes Kassie Ashbaugh is the victim of a random attack. However, as threats on her life continue, he realizes that Kassie is in grave danger. Her father's abandoned boat suggests foul play, and Jared suspects someone is after Kassie for something her missing father is hiding. Can Jared unravel the mystery before unknown enemies catch her?

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

My review:
I am not a fan of dogs, but for some reason I always enjoy a story where dogs are used by police, military, or search and rescue. So even if I didn't know the author was a great writer, the dog on the cover would have drawn me in. But I have read several of her books, and she never disappoints.

 This is a book that has everything you need for a great story: a great and likable hero and heroine, a cute little boy, family drama - major family drama, a police dog, suspense, and even a match-making grandma. :)

 There is a lot going on in this book. Things start happening in the first few pages with an attack on a boat, then there are several more attempted attacks throughout the book as our hero and heroine try to find out what the bad guys are after. There are a couple surprises, though I was not too surprised by the one...I had my suspicions.

 And of course there is romance. Match-making Grandma's first success story. Jared lost his wife in a hit and run two years before, and that with his guilt over the accident has him dragging his feet, but this is a romantic suspense novel, so you know it will all work out in the end. Right?

 It was a book that kept me on the edge of my seat til the very end, and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

Special thanks to the author for an advance copy of this book. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

Coming May 21, 2024.

About the author:

From medical secretary to court reporter to property manager to owner of a special events decorating company, Carol's résumé reads as if she doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up. But one thing that has remained constant through the years is her love for writing. She started as a child writing poetry for family and friends, then graduated to articles and finally novels.

Carol lives in sunshiny Central Florida and writes fun and fast-paced inspirational romance and romantic suspense. Her books have received a 2016 Royal Palm Literary Award and been nominated for a 2016 RITA® award and a 2014 RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award. She is also a popular speaker, presenting workshops on a variety of craft topics. Besides writing, she enjoys sailing, hiking, camping—almost anything outdoors. Her two grown daughters and grandkids live too far away for her liking, so she now pours all that nurturing into taking care of a fat and sassy black cat and a highly-spoiled dachshund. 

 Check out her website:

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Just for the Summer by Melody Carlson

Book description:

 If you lived in a different place and had a different job, couldn't you have a different life?

Ginny Masters manages a popular boutique hotel in Seattle and manages it with aplomb. But the daily challenges and irritations of a fast-paced job and a demanding boss are starting to get to her.

Jacqueline Potter manages her grandfather's fishing lodge in Idaho because it was the only job she could find after graduating with her hospitality degree. She's grateful for the work but longs for a more sophisticated and cosmopolitan life she's just not going to find in this backwoods town.

The solution to both their problems seems obvious. Just for the summer, they'll swap jobs and lifestyles--and even love interests. But they'll soon find that there's more to finding happiness than just switching up the scenery.

My review:
   Melody Carlson is best known  - at least to me - for her Christmas novellas she has been writing every year for a long time. This may be the first book of hers that I have read that is not Christmas. And I liked it.

 If a guy can use the word, it was a cute story. And I liked the characters. Most of them. Jacqueline wasn't the easiest person to like, though I felt badly for her at times. 

 Ginny had her moments, but turned out to be the most likable of the two. 

 Then there are the guys. Adrian and Ben were totally different, but very likable characters...though Adrian needed to stand up to his mom and tell her the what for. Ben definitely won out on the best of the two. 

 Setting: Of the two settings, the fishing lodge won hands down. In fact, I found myself wishing I lived at a place like that. Just not in Idaho.

 There is not a ton of romance, but there is some. And a lot of problems could have been solved with some communication. But then that would have made the book too short.

 There wasn't a lot of Christian content, but it was a great entertaining read. 

Overall, this was a great read that entertained while also showing that change can be good, and that we don't have to stay where we are if we are unhappy. Though the chance to trade jobs and locations with someone is not something most of us can do.

Special thanks to the publisher for an advance copy of this book. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

About the author:
Melody Carlson
is the award-winning author of more than 250 books with sales of more than 7.5 million, including many bestselling Christmas novellas, young adult titles, and contemporary romances. She received a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award, her novel All Summer Long has been made into a Hallmark movie, and the movie based on her novel The Happy Camper premiered on UPtv in 2023. She and her husband live in central Oregon. Learn more at

Just for the Summer is available from Revell Publishing, part of the Baker Publishing Group.